Hannah Marcus

Hannah (she/her) is a contributing writer to Climate Refugees’ SPOTLIGHT: Climate Displacement in the News and PERSPECTIVES: Climate Displacement in the Field. She is currently pursuing an MSc in Public Health at the University of Alberta School of Public Health. She has long had an interest in environmental health, and particularly in understanding the growing intersections between climate change, planetary health, community well-being, and societal resiliency.  

As a co-chair for the Environmental Health Working Group of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), Hannah contributes to ongoing research, policy, and advocacy on the climate change-human health nexus. She is currently leading a team of academics within this group on developing and publishing a series of manuscripts alongside a WFPHA-endorsed policy statement on the public health imperative for addressing climate-related migration and displacement. 

Much of Hannah's other research experience has come from working within large-scale research institutions such as the Population Research Health Institute, the Sick Kids Centre for Global Child Health, the International Centre for Migration Health and Development, and the WFPHA. Her prior work and publications have pertained to various topics including, but not limited to, infant and young child feeding and nutrition, maternal health in humanitarian crisis, disaster, and conflict settings, and climate change-public health intersections.  

After completing her field placement in Kenya for her MSc thesis on "Climate-Resilient WASH Sector Planning in the Lake Victoria Basin", Hannah hopes to continue her career in the field of environmental health and international development, playing an active role in the global planetary health movement, through contributions in research, scholarship, and practice, to improve the lives of vulnerable populations facing environmental injustice. 

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